Serve a Good Meal

Argonaut’s Circles program is built on a set of 50 Essential Experiences, each designed to develop the skills in adolescence that lead to a happy, connected, purposeful life. These experiences are sorted into five categories: Independence, Connection, Healthy Body & Mind, Waking Up, and Making the World Better.

Essential Experience #2 is Serve a Good Meal. This is a way to learn, through hands-on experience, that we can do something of value for another person. It’s through steps like this that we gain a deep inner sense of value. And what could be more clearly valuable than to feed someone a good meal? It might just be the most essential gift one human can give another.

A student might choose this experience if they have a developing interest in cooking and would like to try producing an entire meal. Or they might choose it because it represents a growth “edge”, something new and untried but which draws them in. Either way, they’ll begin an adventure that combines the ability to host, to plan, to manage multiple tasks at once, and to discover the connection that comes from making good food for people you love.


Teach a Complex Skill