Argonaut Year 1: What We Explored

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And that’s a wrap! Through a challenging year in the world and in schools, what we witnessed in Argonaut groups lifted our spirits. ⁣

If we had to sum it up, it would be that the world underestimates adolescents. Get a chance for honest conversation with them, and you’ll see their wisdom, their self-awareness, and their ability to support each other. Offer them some social-emotional tools, even ones that adults struggle with, and they tend to grasp them quickly. ⁣

After all we’ve been through this past year, let’s agree that social-emotional tools are essentials, not luxuries, and that our mental well-being is fundamental to any definition of success. And let’s celebrate that most if not all of the elements of this well-being are learnable skills. There’s even hope for us adults in this! Just take inspiration from the sincere quests of the adolescents in our lives.


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